
A positive and concrete impact on the transformation of society

The home of transgenerational interaction

Peace on Snow offers a mature forum with a neutral playing field where our members are not prioritizing their own interest but values the mature conversation to lead.

Peace on Snow is the platform for interactions and discussion that comes in many shapes and where everybody is a valid and engaged contributor.

At Peace on Snow, we create the place, the time, the space and framework for mature conversation.

Nature − our new meeting room

With most of us spending our time indoors in our homes and offices we need a break to reflect. Peace on Snow offers the best natural environment − our nature.

Our nature provides the breathing hole for discussion in a natural meeting room and inspires and motivates us to find new perspectives.

Snow is such a valuable asset and is worth our appreciation.

The Place for discussion

Peace on Snow brings together influential and driving individuals who prioritize this discussion.

We are doing this in a place that have a long tradition of supporting important forums and where snow is a fundamental part of its society.

The Kanton and Mayor of Davos supports Peace on Snow for the benefit of possible development.